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Monday, August 25, 2014

Top 5 Nutrition Apps 2014

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Need to lose weight? Want to improve your culinary skills? There’s an APP for that. Whether you are watching what you eat or need to add some healthy flair to your plate, there are many APPs available to guide you. These are my current favorites.

Health Watch 360 app helps you count calories, analyzes your diet and tracks symptoms or current chronic health conditions. The APP depicts your habits in charts and analyses how your lifestyle relates to your current health and nutrition status. This APP is free and available on Apple devises (Android coming soon). Learn more: http://www.gbhealthwatch.com/healthwatch360-app/  

My Fitness Pal tracks diet and fitness activity. Create weight, nutrition and fitness goals and MyFitnessPal tracks them. Meal and exercise reminders can also be set. With over 3 million foods in their database, it is probably one of the most comprehensive food databases available on a free APP. The food and exercise entry is relatively easy and fast. Learn More: http://www.myfitnesspal.com

Restaurant Nutrition is great for people who frequently eat fast food. Fast food is not the ideal fit for a healthy lifestyle and this app can help you choose the healthiest option when there are no other options. There are over 100 restaurants and over 15,000 food items. The app also allows more than one person to create a profile, so it is ideal for couples. This APP is free and available on iPhone and Android. Learn more: http://www.healthyandfitcommunities.com/iphone-application/restaurant-nutrition  

Cooking PlanIt is your sous chef in your kitchen. This is a great tool for those who want to improve their culinary skills. There are preplanned menus with synchronized chopping lists. The APP walks you through each step from prep to clean up. Voice and visual commands prompt you to prep ingredients for immediate and later use. The APP is free and available on the iPhone and Android. For more information: https://www.cookingplanit.com

Fooducate is a healthy weight loss and diet tracking APP. The APP searches beyond calories and nutrients and helps users choose healthier foods. Their unique food grading system rates foods based on scientific algorithms based on the nutrition facts and ingredient list. It recommends foods that are minimally processed, whole and naturally high in nutrients and antioxidants. This is a free APP available for iPhone and Android. http://www.fooducate.com

Obviously it’s tough to choose only five APPs out of the hundreds available. If you have a favorite APP or have feedback on the APPs featured, please share your thoughts.

Jasmin Ilkay, MBA, MPH, RD
Healthy Food Communications Specialist

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