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Sunday, August 19, 2007


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Dear Friends:

Many of you are using deprenyl supplementation as a part of your nootropic regimen. Her are some more reasons that you might be glad that you have chosen to use it. Off course, this is neither medical or health advice, and this information is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. Always consult your trusted healthcare practitioner before embarking on any nutritional or exercise regimen (phew!):

1. Symptomatic treatment of early Parkinson's disease, and dementia;
2. May have neuroprotective properties in terms of neural plasticity and longevity;
3. Increases synaptic dopamine (for increased energy, strength and libido);
4. Helps stimulate the release and systemic life of Human Growth Hormone.
5. May function as a mild antidepressant;
6. Retards the metabolic breakdown of phenylethylamine, a trace amine found in chocolate and released in our bodies when we are in love.
7. For purposes of enhanced cognitive and physical function, doses (orally) should not exceed 10 milligrams per day.

WARNING: Taking selegiline with MDMA and many other so-called "recreational drugs" can be lethal, and taking excessive doses of selegiline can hypersensitize your metabolism (similar to MAOIs) to such an extent that it can make ingestion of other supplements and many seemingly "innocuous" foods deadly, as well. Get expert advice from a healhcare professional before you begin selegiline therapy.


Douglas Castle

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't refrain from commenting. Well written!


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